5 Pieces of Advice About Living Healthy and Weight Gain You May Not Know
Mar 21, 2021Living healthy is not easy with so many American indulgences that confront us on. Not to mention trying to mold the life in our head that we dream of to our existing reality.
Just because you don't live in a city doesn't mean you can't live a healthy life even if you have gained weight.
There is a chic woman living inside of you that wants to get out.
I have lived in the city since I was 8 but before that I experienced living in a small town that didn't have access to the foods and opportunities that exist in a larger city but looking back all was not doomed.
However, if your health suffers as a result of ALWAYS putting yourself last instead of a being priority on your to-do list—then your success will be short-lived!
In this video you will learn the secrets to making your 50’s your most successful decade and what may stop you from it's a way of life and a very healthy way of life at that
Living healthy way of life that starts with 1 important piece of the journey
Hi there, this is Milan Perry here.
This video is about the secrets to making your 50’s your most successful decade.
When working with my clients they learn that deprivation only leads to overindulgence later.
Tantalize your taste buds!
In my cooking course, "The Chic Cooking Academy", you can have your wine, the champagne, the rich foods, and the few pieces of (high-quality) chocolate too!
The biggest lesson is portion control and listening to the signals that your body gives you.
And you know I always say, 'Chic Women don’t diet' and it's a reality.
Why should we, you don't have to as long as you follow basic principes of dining out or in.
The reason I feel so strongly about this is because today we are going to be talking about something that really leans to the particular title of this broadcast.
When are going to be talking about 5 brutally honest pieces of advice for living healthy that no one’s told you.
In this video I am going to be really honest with you because we are in seasons of changes.
If you in the Midwest it is warmer here in the states you’re experiencing summer, or on the west coast.
Well it’s hot so of-course you’re enjoying the weather, you’re out and about but if you are on another part of the world and it’s colder.
You may be living your life in a slightly different way.
With summer we eat more lighter foods in winter we eat more heaver foods. So, I am just going to let you know the truth in this video. Small things add up!
And the truth is my honest pieces of advice that will help you to live a healthier lifestyle so you don’t want to miss this.
So, just in case you don’t know me. My name is Milan Perry and the owner of Sonaturelle Wellness. The proud owner also of Chic Women Don’t Diet.
"The Chic Cooking Academy" is a lifestyle, a way of eating that I have created based on my experience in life, not just being a weightloss expert but a wellness chef. From time to time even I have to fine tune my habits to reflect my current life's changes.
Front end and back end. Being right there playing with my food. And realizing that the one thing that draws people together, the one thing that people love no matter who you are is food.
And when you think about dieting in connection with food, for me it’s just it doesn’t work because you are always missing out on something.
90% of women are dissatisfied with their body
Think about all the time you see social media. You are scrolling through and you see women that are complaining on something about their body.
Or not just your social media feed maybe there is a group you’re in on LinkedIn, on Instagram, or on your Facebook page. The media there is always somebody saying, nip it, tuck it, suck it!
Magazines that you read at the grocery store in checkout line. Even in books so that shows that women around the world no matter who they are.
Especially I find when you are closer to the age of 50. That is a totally different mindset because now you are starting to do this kind-of comparison thing.
You know when you were growing up or in your 20’s and 30’s and now you are frustrated that you don’t look the same, you don’t look like your old self.
And God forbid that you work with millennial and you’re the only 50 year old that works there.
Or if you’re an entrepreneur like myself and you work from home, you’re a career woman, a successful career woman we are all frustrated.
We’ve tried things to make us look thinner, clothes that make us look thinner, foods that make us healthier.
But what happens is when you go on vacation , you know what happens we fall off. Or you go on a cruise and you fall off.
What happens if a healthy weight is not sustainable?
The weight comes back because the healthy lifestyle that you were trying to lead is no longer there.
And that causes so many problems that I’ve experiences myself in the past even just women I know.
Feelings of just not feeling desirable. Even if your married and your husband tells you how beautiful you are.
And how amazing you look. You don’t believe it because inside you don’t feel desirable. Inside you don’t feel your best.
And these feelings of just being unsatisfied with your image. And that’s just us women over 50.
Now there maybe other generations who feel a different way but that’s how some of us start to feel.
Feeling good in your skin is connected to the following:
How we feel about the image we project
What we are conditioned to believe
We you think about ourselves as a whole
Feelings of I can’t eat that, I have had enough cake for the day, or I’ve had enough cookies for the day. I think I have had too many carbs. This is not living healthy in mind nor spirit.
A healthy environment internally and externally
- Includes elements about your background
- Diving into your personal story
- What things you believe to be true
- Any stress that you allow in your life
Those are some of the key factors that will really help you start to feel good in your skin again.
Now, think back to everything I just said..did you notice I never said the word diet?
The reason is because I don’t believe in dieting. I don’t believe in negligence, or absence when it comes to food.
There is a balance for living healthy.
For more videos on how to cook easy at home during isolation, Subscribe to my CLICK HERE Youtube Channel where I post more wellness tips for the woman over 40, your wellness within a lifestyle resource for the Busy Women Over 40. Don’t forget to leave a comment let me know you came over from the blog.
Milan Perry, HHP, MH provides Culinary Wellness Expert for busy women over 40 who are holistically oriented and want to feel and look her best.
As a herbalist. healthy lifestyle coach, menu planner, busy wife. The “joie de vivre” is wine + anti-aging (not in that order). She coaches women that have tried the fad diets of quick weight loss of 20 pounds without success.
Moving past that, you’re at a point in life where you feel more in touch with your need of well-being.
If you’re still struggling with trying to maintain your weight and feel as confident as you used to, schedule your FREE ‘Chic Women Don’t Diet’ Makeover call with Milan.