black women, self care, over 50

Unlock the Power of Self-Care & Self-Love: Beyond Social Media Buzzwords!

focus on self-care during menopause self care menopause supporting aged parents women over 40 Sep 11, 2024

How's your day going? 😊

Ready to shine? 🌟✨

Lately, I've had an epiphany: I've been neglecting someone crucial in my life—ME.

Sound familiar?

We're often so busy caring for others, we forget about ourselves.

Whether it’s juggling life's chaos, supporting aging parents, or navigating menopause, we end up drained and exhausted.

But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be this way.

Self-care and self-love aren’t just buzzwords; they’re revolutionary acts that can transform your life. Prioritizing yourself isn't selfish—it's essential.

Just like on an airplane, "you need to put on your oxygen mask first". By caring for ourselves, we’re better equipped to care for others.

Self-care doesn’t demand lavish spa days or costly vacations—though those are nice!

  1. It’s about carving out moments for yourself daily.
  2. It's about setting boundaries, and learning to say "no."
  3. It’s about recognizing and fulfilling your own needs.

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook self-care. But prioritizing it can reduce stress, boost confidence, and enhance happiness. Don't feel guilty for taking time for yourself—it's an act of self-love and self-preservation.

Join me on this journey to embrace self-care and unlock a well-balanced, fulfilling life. Let's make self-care a non-negotiable part of our lives and thrive together!

Elevate your daily routine with stylish self-care

Imagine embracing activities that spark joy and relaxation—be it a luxurious soak in the tub, diving into a beloved hobby, or carving out moments for peaceful reflection. The secret? Weave these delightful rituals into your routine consistently, not just in times of stress.

Setting boundaries is a self-care power move! It means confidently saying "no" to what doesn't serve your needs or values, even if it ruffles some feathers. It's about prioritizing your time and energy for the things and people that truly uplift you.

Sure, it's easier said than done. But trust me, you're absolutely worth the investment of time and effort to nurture yourself.

By sidelining your own well-being, you're not just shortchanging yourself—you also diminish your ability to support others.

Think about it:

  • When was the last time you felt genuinely refreshed and revitalized?
  • When did you indulge in something purely for your own joy without a hint of guilt?

If it's been a while, don't worry.

STOP ...whatever you're doing right now and settle into this thought mindfully because now is the perfect moment to start curating self-care into your daily life -- because you deserve it!

✨ Take a moment to BREATH.


✨ To do something that brings a AUTHENTIC smile to your face. 


And hey, I'm not just preaching here.

I'm walking the talk. Sharing my love of all things French in the afternoon, oh la laaa! 

I'm here to sprinkle your day with chic tips, tricks, and heaps of love to guide you on your path to self-discovery and inspiration.

Buckle up, because we're diving into a vital topic—prioritizing self-care during menopause or while caring for an elderly parent.

Let's face it, caring for an aging parent can be both emotionally and physically demanding. It's a whirlwind of time, energy, and patience.

Besides managing their health and daily needs, your own self-care can easily slip through the cracks.

But hey, if you neglect your own well-being while taking care of someone else, you're setting yourself up for burnout, resentment, and guilt. Let's not go down that road! Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup!

This means you can't shoulder everyone else's burdens—some problems are just too big. If you deplete your emotional and mental reserves, what do you have left to give?

So, what does self-care look like when you're also a caregiver?

Picture this: carving out moments for yourself to recharge, indulging in activities that make your heart sing, and setting boundaries that nurture your soul. I

t's about filling your cup so you can continue to be the superhero you are—resilient, loving, and ready to take on whatever life throws your way. Looking over my Fabulous coaching (app that lets you create healthy habits) this morning the first motivation tip that caught my eye was,

 "When you feel exhaustion setting in, it is time to withdraw and restore yourself. If you feel demoralized, it is best to pause and recenter instead of acting from a place of depletion. If you can find time to unplug, do it. Reconnect with yourself in a big way if you can. And if you can't you can still recenter through tiny steps. Reclaim your first mountain, keep at it, and natural rebalancing will begin."

How do I get started?

  • taking a short walk outside/dancing
  • listening to your favorite Spotify playlist/music
  • indulging in a hobby that brings you joy
  • expressive writing or painting your nails
  • enjoying a fabulous breakfast in the sunshine

You get the picture right?

Creating a routine enhances your commitment, while setting the right environment helps you fully engage. Everything can be done in a 15 minute window of time.It's not about finding hours in your day, it's about carving out small moments to recharge and refocus.

Continuing to prioritize your own well-being if you have menopause fatigue and caring for an elderly parent can be challenging, but it is crucial for both you and your loved one.

It may feel counterintuitive at first, but taking care of yourself is not selfish - it's necessary.

When you neglect self-care, the consequences can range from burnout to resentment and even guilt. You cannot pour from an empty cup, and trying to do so will only lead to exhaustion and potential health issues. This means that you cannot take on all of your loved one's problems or carry their load alone. Their challenges may seem too big for you to handle on

What if I don't have an interesting hobby?

That's ok, I can help you to awaken the woman within and create a hobby you'll absolutely love. Here are a few tips to help you find a hobby that suits you...

What to Do:

1. Think about your interests and passions: What activities do you enjoy? Do you have any hobbies from the past that you haven't had time for lately? Reflect on these interests and see if there's something you can pick up again or explore further.

2. Consider your physical abilities: If you have any limitations, think about hobbies that don't require a lot of physical exertion. This could include reading, crafting, or even learning a new language.

3. Join a community of like minded women: Hobbies are not just solitary activities - they can also be a great way to connect with others who share similar interests. Look for local groups or clubs related to your potential hobby and join in the fun.

4. Start small and build up: If you're interested in a new hobby, don't feel like you have to dive into it full force right away. Start with smaller activities or projects related to the hobby and see if it's something you enjoy before committing more time and resources.

5. Use online resources: With technology at our fingertips, there are endless resources available for learning and exploring new hobbies. Check out blogs, YouTube tutorials, or online classes to get started on your new hobby journey.

6. Make time for yourself: Hobbies can be a great way to take a break from the stresses of daily life and focus on something that brings you joy. Remember to prioritize self-care and give yourself dedicated time each week to work on your hobby.

7. Don't be afraid to try new things: Along with exploring new hobbies, don't be afraid to try out different techniques or styles within your chosen hobby. This can help keep things interesting and prevent you from getting burnt out on one specific activity.

8. Incorporate your hobbies into everyday life: Hobbies don't have to just be a weekend activity – find ways to incorporate them into your daily routine. This could mean listening to podcasts related to your hobby during your commute or taking short breaks throughout the day to work on a small project.

9. Connect with others who share the same interests: Joining clubs, attending workshops, or even just reaching out online can help you connect with others who are also passionate. 

So, let's do this together. Let's start a self-love revolution that will change our lives for the better.

Ready to take the first step? 

Then schedule with me HERE

I would love to chat with you and tell me one thing you're going to do for yourself TODAY that will take 15 minutes of focus on you.

I'm here for you, every step of the way. Yes, I'm a real person with real worries like you. Stay tune....




Wow, you made it through that epic post! If you read the whole thing, you deserve a gold medal 🏅 and my eternal love 💕🔥


What do you think? Please leave me a .... COMMENT! Let's get this party started! xo, ~ Milan